The question of insurance arises each time because it is necessary to confirm the good performance of the construction work of a breakwater implementing the ACCROPODE ™ II, ACCROPODE ™ II, ECOPODE ™, CORELOC ™, Xbloc® , BS1, BS2, BS3 or any other technologies. single-layer block type.
The risk is very high because these technologies are particularly sensitive and can pose many difficulties during their implementation: interlocking problems, poor knowledge of the operation of these blocks, poor interpretation of the placing rules, lack of independence and lack of competence of the control bodies, unsuitable installation tools, ineffective means of control. If the interlocking of the ACCROPODE ™ II, ACCROPODE ™ II, ECOPODE ™, CORELOC ™, Xbloc® , BS1, BS2, BS3 or any other type blocks is not perfectly done, the blocks will move, break and quickly repair work will be required.
The best insurance is to first, avoid all these pitfalls and call on an external control, which combines the qualities required in the ISO 17020-2012 standard and the code of ethics of experts.
CLAS has set up its own accreditation line for inspectors who serve the ACCROPODE ™, ACCROPODE ™ II, ECOPODE ™, CORELOC ™, X-bloc® , BS1, BS2, BS3 and other projects.
CLAS also provides companies and contracting authorities with two essential tools for the success of their projects, which are:
The BREAKWATER SOLUTION ™ concept which enables ACCROPODE ™, ACCROPODE ™ II, ECOPODE ™, CORELOC ™, X-bloc® , BS1, BS2, BS3 and others to be delivered on time, without reservations upon receipt and without conflict.
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The registered trademark CLAS TECHNOLOGY COMPLIANT ™ which implements reliable and proven inspection and diagnostic techniques thanks to which we will provide proof that the ACCROPODE ™, ACCROPODE ™ II, ECOPODE ™, CORELOC ™, X-bloc® , BS1, BS2, BS3 or other dams , are class works:
A: production in accordance with the design and the requirements of the single-layer technology used,
B: construction that is not fully compliant and presents a level of risk which requires frequent checks and ultimately repairs to maintain the functionality of the structure.
C: non-compliant construction which presents a high level of risk which will call into question the functionality of the structure and require total or partial reconstruction.
Click on the link: Classification of breakwater armours
The implementation of our know-how and the BREAKWATER SOLUTION ™ and CLAS TECHNOLOGY COMPLIANT ™ tools have enabled us to deliver 100% of the projects carried out with assistance or certification from CLAS, on time, without reservation upon receipt. and conflict-free.
If this is not enough, CLAS provides its clients, under certain conditions, with an insurance policy of several million Euros, which covers training, assistance, inspections and diagnostics. Our expertise is assured.
Before implementing a certification process you should ask yourself the right questions about insurance and compare the solutions available to you.
The best insurance is to have full-time assistance on site, provided by an expert specialist in construction, who will support you throughout your project:
No late penalties, no risk of premature damage, no conflict.
Insurance of several million Euros under certain conditions.